Last Weekend of Summer 2016

Friday was the first time in a long time that we did not go out to eat. Partially because it was Francisco's week to pick a restaurant, it was going to rain, and mostly because the options up for consideration was Gomez Salsa.  We always get a Turtle because it's effing amazing, but we also decided to try the Armadilla this time. Also, effing amazing. But Gomez just has a pick-up window in OTR - no dine-in options.
We headed out on Saturday cuz' I wanted to try and do something fun for the last weekend of summer.  Amazingly enough, Francisco was totally up for going to a couple bars downtown. Well, just the ones that included games.  He hadn't been to The Rook OTR before, and for some reason was a little hesitant, but he ended up loving it!
We played many more games than I remembered to take pictures of. We shared some pretzels and beer cheese and had a couple cocktails. I finally tried a gin and tonic - still trying to find my perfect adult cocktail that doesn't come from a restaurant's special mixed drinks menu. I think it was a winner for the both of us!
And then, as is the tradition, we walked over to 16-Bit and did some gaming there.
Since our Gomez yesterday had been so delicious, and we were now within walking distance, we decided to stop over for another Turtle for dinner as well as some Holtman's Donuts for breakfast in the morning.
We mixed up some mojitos at home for our last Saturday of summer.
It was definitely a good one!


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