Prolific| Earning Money from Online Surveys
I've been taking online surveys for as long as I can remember. To help track my earnings and cash-outs, I started a spreadsheet in 2007 where I logged my available balance each month for each site. While spending your time taking online surveys won't make you rich, they are a handy way to pad your budget and pick up some spare cash. Plus, they occasionally come with the benefits of hearing about new products before they are released to market - and even getting to try them sometimes!
I will highlight a website below that I've had success in using in the past, along with some details about my experience. Keep in mind that your experience may vary based on demographic data, location, survey availability, etc.
I only just signed up for Prolific in May 2020, so I have limited experience with this site. I believe I saw it mentioned in a Reddit forum. Prolific has limited study options. I've received some emails about available studies, but I've also bookmarked the site, so I can be sure to check it regularly. It seems like studies come and go throughout the day, and you'll need to act quickly to reserve your place.
Since May, I've earned $6.81. Well, it actually shows that I've earned £6.81. I'm going to initiate a cash-out to my PayPal account right now and see if it's actually dollars or pounds that shows up in my account.
All of the studies have been really straightforward and pretty quick. The surveys are often hosted by universities, so you feel like your responses are going towards more meaningful research. Your earnings will be in GBP, which has a slightly more favorable valuation against USD.
Check out their website here:
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