Welcome to CCHMC
With a job offer came the immediate need for a second car. We've been getting by okay with just the one - Francisco's job was flexible enough that he could take the time to drive me to an interview if necessary. And it might not have been a problem just a few months ago when we basically would have been working at the exact same location. The company he works for does a lot of work with the hospital, so his office was literally across the street. But...he transferred to a different campus this year that is about 25 miles north to work on the Expansion and Cancer Treatment projects. So, literally, the day before I started working at Children's, we bought a new car. And with our narrow driveway, one-car garage, and no street parking, we have started the most annoying game of car juggling. :-P
I am one of the most directionally-challenged people like ever, and I recently reflected on the fact that my last two jobs have been at a college campus and now a hospital. Could I pick any more complicated places to get around? I have two pages of notes to get to my office (luckily, I refer to that less and less, but I still haven't trusted myself to throw them away yet). Children's is the third-ranked children's hospital in the country (#1 for cancer care), and it is HUGE! I drive in every day and take a shuttle onto the main campus and still have about a five-minute walk to get to my department.
So...I will leave you with a pic of my nails on my new steering wheel...just because!
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