A Tall Glass Of...

Yesterday was the kind of day that definitely called for a tall glass of...
hot chocolate!

Things seem to have been busier than ever at work, and it's always one thing after another. Just yesterday I find out that it looks like I'm going to have to post my Account Clerk position again and start interviewing people to fill that ASAP. In reality, I really need to start shifting my focus to getting my own resume updated so I can start applying for jobs myself. I've really been procrastinating on that - and probably should be working on that NOW since my lunch break is probably the only reliable time I have to myself. 

 But I'm really just feeling kind of stuck because I'm waiting for my husband to see what he is able to find career-wise. He just recently finished his degree and has begun the job search. And I'm kind of letting his career/location choice guide my decisions since the Engineering/Technology field is more specialized than Business Management. It will probably be a lot harder for him to find a job than me. But I'm getting really anxious because I like to have things planned out as far ahead as possible. And I know very little right now.

Seems like there's a lot of great unknowns...  

Plus, I love my job - at least, some days - so it makes me sad to think about leaving it!  But this is my first job out of college, and we all have to move on sometime, right???  


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